Mozilla Firefox Issues.
Are you a Mozilla Firefox junkie? I have tried Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and other web browsers but there is no question that Mozilla Firefox is the best. I am sure there are plenty of people out there that will disagree with me but in reality Firefox is still the least cumbersome and has fewer errors than the other web browsers on the internet.
You ask, if Mozilla Firefox is so dam good why does it eat up so much CPU resource’s and memory? Many people complain that they have run in problems with memory issues with Firefox but issues with low memory or your web browser is freezing up is do to viewing sites that use Flash. Many sites on the web are weighted down with Flash media and it tends to make Firefox get bogged down and sometimes error out. Example would be: If you notice when you try to run video say from You-Tube or any other video site that the video tends to stall or stop and then continue. This again is an issue with the amount memory that flash is using.
In reality it is not the fault of Mozilla Firefox. Firefox is still one of the best web browsers on the market.
What can be done to resolve this issue?
Have you ever heard of Memory Fox, probably not? Memory Fox is an add-on that helps to control the amount of memory Flash is using. Another great add-on to Firefox is FlashBlock. FlashBlock blocks all Macromedia Flash when using Firefox, but if you want to see the flash it leaves placeholders on the web page that will allow you to click to download and then view the Flash content. This is a nice little tool to use when it comes to memory issues with Firefox.
Some other issues that Firefox has been having with memory is when you use the AVG Security Toolbar. When AVG did an update with the toolbar it caused Firefox to consume an extensive amount of CPU resources and memory. This problem AVG is working on taking care of and fixing.
Adobe Reader has always been a memory hawg. The adobe reader plug-in for Firefox can be turned off and you can view the PDF documents with another program or using Adobe but not while using Firefox. It seems to lock up Firefox sometimes when you are attempting to view PDF documents with the Adobe Firefox plug-in.