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Monday, July 20, 2015

Computer Virus Removal Process That Works

Computer Virus Removal Process That Works

Computer Virus Removal Process That Works
By Marsha Christy

This process will remove all major viruses that you might have downloaded onto your Windows computer.

Step 1 - Downloading & Install

There are two excellent and FREE computer virus removal programs we use. Download and install these programs to your desktop.

* Malwarebytes

* CCleaner

You should not have to pay for these - there is no need to upgrade from the free version that is offered.

Step 2 - Safe Mode

Reboot your computer into safe mode.

For most Windows based systems, you can use F8 to access the Safe Mode menu when you reboot.

How: Go to the start button, select restart. Once the computer/laptop turns off and back on, immediately hit the F8 key over and over again even if the computer starts beeping at you keep pushing the F8 key. It should bring up the menu to ask you if you would like to boot into safe mode.

If this does not work, you can always do a hard reboot - pull power while your computer is on. If you are using a laptop, make sure you pull power and the battery while it is on. This should force you to the Safe Mode menu.

Step 3 - Run Programs & Reboot

Once in Safe Mode, run Malwarebytes and CCleaner. One right after another. If one program doesn't catch the virus, the other program will.

After both programs run in safe mode, reboot your computer and your virus should be removed. It is really that simple - 3 steps!

Now we recommend you remove these programs once your virus is gone. You will always need to download the newest version from the website if you get a virus again.

*Bonus - Free Anti-Virus Program

You can use AVG for a free anti-virus program to hopefully stop you from downloading another virus in the future. It is extremely important you keep your anti-virus program updated often as thousands of new viruses are created each day.


You can always create a Guest user account and that will not allow a virus to download on your computer without your permission.

You are the best defense against a virus. Spam emails will not harm you as long as you do not open the link in the emails. Keep your anti-virus software updated often as thousands of new viruses are released daily. Once you have removed your virus with this process, we recommend you delete your virus removal programs and download new ones if you ever need to use this process again.

For more information on tech tips - check out our Tech Tutors website. Remember - your education is the best defense against hackers!

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