The New Kid on the Block Google Knol.
So you are asking yourself what is a Google Knol? Well, let me tell you. Have you ever heard of Squidoo Pages, or Hub Pages then you will know what a Knol is? If you have not heard of these then I will explain here what Google Knol is and how it can benefit you.
What is a Google Knol.
If you are at all familiar with Squidoo pages then you will be somewhat familiar to a Knol by Google. A Knol is a place where you can create an article that intrigues you and post this article to share with others. If you produce good quality content in your writings and want to share them with the world what better place to release all the knowledge in your head than on the giant itself Google. Google Knol is a term that means “unit of knowledge” again this is where you can share your wealth of knowledge and at the same time brand yourself with showing off your expertise. Another nice thing about contributing to Knol is that there are no policies in place as for regarding sources.
Make money with Knol.
One significant benefit with Knol is that you can generate a few extra dollars with this great site. Google Knol allows you to have linked to your articles your AdSense ad account. The more articles that you have posted to Knol, the more money that you could possibly generate from AdSense. Some authors prefer not to post ads on their Knols, they feel like it cheapens their articles and they want to look as professional as possible. The option is totally yours, you decide what you want to do, and this is what I like about Google Knol.
Quality Content.
If you are worried about your reputation on the internet it is vital that you produce good quality content in your writings. Your name is out over the internet if you are a web producer, a social butterfly on all the social marketing sites, or if you submit articles to all the article outlets. It is extremely important that you do your research and write with quality in mind. Remember it is your name and face that is attached to the article.
Even though Google Knol has been around a couple years it is still on the ground floor in my thinking. Now is the time to take advantage of this golden opportunity to possibly cash in on this awesome site that Google has given us. If I can be any help to you in learning more about blogging or if you need assistance in writing your articles come visit my profile page on Blogger.